How to Organize Your Figma Project File

Mohammad Sharifi
6 min readNov 15, 2023


An Ultimate template to start your new project super fast!

Have you ever stared at a Figma file, cluttered with frames and rectangles, and thought, “There must be a better way”?

Two years ago, that was my daily nightmare, but not anymore.

To become a “productive” designer, you can’t be expected to sit down in front of a Figma blank page for every single project and start 100% from scratch.

Just imagine opening your Figma project to find a place for everything and everything in its place. That’s the peace of mind the “Project Organizer” template brings — a system I wish I had during those days of digital disarray.

Say goodbye to this 🤯 Figma files 😁

Never Start From a Blank Figma File!

Imagine opening your Figma file to find a place for everything and everything in its place.

The ‘Project Organizer’ is not just a template; it’s your design project’s new best friend, featuring pre-made pages like a

  • 🏞️ Cover
  • 📝 Weekly Notes (+template)
  • 🪄 Design Brief (+template)
  • 🔎 Research
  • 🥊 Competitor Analysis
  • 👨🏻‍💼 Persona
  • 🎨 Style Guide
  • ✍️ UX Writing Guideline
  • 🔖 Information Architecture
  • 🌊 Flows (+template for UI design)
  • 🎮 Prototype
  • 🧪 Sandbox (Testing new Ideas)
  • 🕸️ Archive
  • and many more.
have a consistent pages across all project

This is the gateway to transforming your digital workspace from a mess to a masterpiece.

Crafting Effective Design Briefs

A design brief is your project’s North Star, aligning every element with its purpose.

I provided a template, to crafting a design brief becomes as easy as filling in the blanks, ensuring that every project starts with clear objectives and measurable goals.

Read more about writing a great design brief.

Weekly Notes and Ongoing Documentation

Gone are the days of scattered notes and forgotten updates.

With the Weekly Notes template, every lesson you’ve learned, every change, and every key discussion is documented precisely. It’s like having a project diary that keeps the entire team in the loop and marching to the same beat.

It helps you to write your next case study super fast since you have all the content in one place!

Other pages, Reseach and IA,…

Research can be messy, but organizing it shouldn’t have to be.

The template dedicates space for user insights and architectural decisions, ensuring that your research paves a clear path to design solutions.

It’s like turning a pile of puzzle pieces into a clear picture of user needs.

I will publish a template for each page as soon as possible so follow for upcoming updates.

Flow Design with Double Diamond Approach

Integration of the Double Diamond process with every user flow design

The Double Diamond isn’t just a process; it’s a design philosophy that can revolutionize the way you work.

By breaking down the Discover, Define, Develop, and Deliver phases, this template integrates the Double Diamond into every user flow, ensuring a robust design process. Each phase is a stepping stone to a product that resonates with users.

🔵 Phase 1: Discover — The Seed of Innovation

Definition: The Discover phase is where we set the stage for innovation by exploring the uncharted territories of user needs and market demands.

You can find it in the first and the blue section in the template.

Input: The raw materials for this phase are user stories, stakeholder interviews, and market research that highlight the user’s pain points and aspirations.

UX Activities and Methods: We engage in user interviews, ethnographic research, and stakeholder workshops. Our Figma file starts to populate with affinity diagrams and user journey maps.

Results and Outcome: The outcome is a well-documented collection of user needs and opportunities, paving the way for targeted problem-solving in the subsequent phases.

🔴 Phase 2: Define — The Crucible of Clarity

Definition: In the Define phase, we distill our discoveries into a clear, actionable problem statement that will guide the design process. The red section one.

Input: The input here is the user insights and identified opportunities from the Discover phase.

UX Activities and Methods: This is where we conduct problem reframing sessions and prioritize features using methods like the MoSCoW technique. Figma begins to house our problem statements and prioritized feature lists.

Results: The result is a razor-sharp definition of the user flow’s objectives, which becomes the north star for our design efforts.

🟢 Phase 3: Develop — The Forge of Creation Definition:

The Develop phase is where solutions are ideated, prototyped, and tested against our defined objectives. The most exciting part for me and green section in the template.

Input: Armed with our problem statements and user insights, we enter the creative arena.

UX Activities and Methods: Here, we immerse ourselves in sketching, wireframing, and creating low-fidelity prototypes. User feedback sessions and iterative design are key activities, all within Figma’s collaborative space.

Results: The tangible deliverables are diverse design concepts, an iterated series of prototypes, and a clear direction for the final design, informed by real user feedback.

🟡 Phase 4: Deliver — The Stage of Realization Definition:

The Deliver phase is the culmination of our efforts, where we refine our prototypes into a market-ready design.

You can set a convention with developers to look at the yellow section if it is marked ready to dev.

Input: The refined prototypes and validated concepts from the Develop phase fuel the final push.

UX Activities and Methods: High-fidelity prototyping, usability testing, and final user validations are paramount. Figma serves as the repository for our final designs, spec documents, and user test reports.

Results and Outcome: The end product is a design that’s not only visually compelling but also user-validated and ready for development, complete with all the specifications and documentation needed for a seamless hand-off.

It’s a systematic approach that ensures every user flow is thoughtfully crafted, user-centered, and designed to meet real-world needs.

This structured process turns ideas into features that resonate, function, and delight.

Get the Free Figma Organizer Template

If the thought of turning design chaos into creative clarity excites you, the “Project Organizer” template is your gateway. It’s more than just a template; it’s the first step towards organizing your Figma files and boosting your productivity as a designer!

🔥 download the “Project Organizer” template

Let’s Make it better together!

But the conversation doesn’t end with a download. Share your experiences, your triumphs, and even your struggles with Figma project organization. Your insights could be the beacon that guides fellow designers to smoother seas.

Let’s build a community of organized, empowered designers. Follow me on here Medium, LinkedIn, and Twitter (still not X for me!) for more productivity hacks and design wisdom that I gather from the trenches of UX design.

Together, let’s design, refine, and shine!




Mohammad Sharifi

✨ Product Designer, Engineer. 🚀 Helping Designers to be more productive. 👉